Holiday Giving Campaign Aims to Lift Spirits this Festive Season

Lift’s shops across Canada are hoping to “Jump-start Joy” this holiday season.  Numerous Lift locations have donation boxes to collect much needed items for the weeks leading up to Christmas.

In a time that can present economic, social, and environmental challenges for many, Lift’s locations are excited to bring hope to those who need it during the holidays.

Each participating location has chosen to support a cause its team feels strongly about supporting and will collect items for an organization that represents that cause.  Each nominated organization has a unique wish list of items and Lift is appealing to its customers and the public to consider giving the gift of hope this festive season by supporting this cause.

A representative from each shop will deliver all of the donations to its chosen charity in time for the holidays.

Historically, Lift shops have long-standing identities within the towns in which they are located.  Lift appreciates the rapport built between its locations and the local community over many years and values the importance of remaining engaged with those who continually support its shops.

Members of the public can stop by their local shop during regular business hours and leave their donations in the boxes provided.  Click here to view the list of participating locations and what donation items are being collected.

Published On: December 4th, 2023

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